Thursday, November 28, 2019

Everywhere In The World Was Heard The Sound Of Things Essays

"Everywhere in the world was heard the sound of things breaking." Advanced European societies could not support long wars or so many thought prior to World War I. They were right in a way. The societies could not support a long war unchanged. The First World War left no aspect of European civilization untouched as pre-war governments were transformed to fight total war. The war metamorphed Europe socially, politicaly, economically, and intellectualy. European countries channeled all of their resources into total war which resulted in enormous social change. The result of working together for a common goal seemed to be unifying European societies. Death knocked down all barriers between people. All belligerents had enacted some form of a selective service which levelled classes in many ways. Wartime scarcities made luxury an impossibility and unfavorable. Reflecting this, clothing became uniform and utilitarian. Europeans would never again dress in fancy, elaborate costumes. Uniforms led the way in clothing change. The bright blue-and-red prewar French infantry uniforms had been changed after the first few months of the war, since they made whoever wore them into excellent targets for machine guns. Women's skirts rose above the ankle permanently and women became more of a part of society than ever. They undertook a variety of jobs previously held by men. They were now a part of clerical, secretarial work, and teaching. They were also more widely employed in industrial jobs. By 1918, 37.6 percent of the work force in the Krupp armaments firm in Germany was female. In England the proportion of women works rose strikingly in public transport (for example, from 18,000 to 117,000 bus conductors), banking (9,500 to 63,700), and commerce (505,000 to 934,000). Many restrictions on women disappeared during the war. It became acceptable for young, employed, single middle-class women to have their own apartments, to go out without chaperones, and to smoke in public. It was only a matter of time before women received the right to vote in many belligerent countries. Strong forces were shaping the power and legal status of labor unions, too. The right of workers to organize was relatively new, about half a century. Employers fought to keep union organizers out of their plants and armed force was often used against striking workers. The universal rallying of workers towards their flag at the beginning of the war led to wider acceptance of unions. It was more of a bureaucratic route than a parliamentary route that integrated organized labor into government, however. A long war was not possible without complete cooperation of the workers with respect to putting in longers hours and increasing productivity. Strike activity had reached its highest levels in history just before the war. There had been over 1,500 diffent work stoppages in France and 3,000 in Germany during 1910. More than a million British workers stopped at one time or another in 1912. In Britain, France, and Germany, deals were struck between unions and government to eliminate strikes and less favorable work conditions in exchange for immediate integration into the government process. This integration was at the cost of having to act more as managers of labor than as the voice of the labor. Suddenly, the strikes stopped during the first year of the war. Soon the enthusiasm died down, though. The revival of strike activity in 1916 shows that the social peace was already wearing thin. Work stoppages and the number of people on strike in France quadrupled in 1916 compared to 1915. In Germany, in May 1916, 50,000 Berlin works held a three-day walkout to protest the arrest of the pacifist Karl Liebknecht. By the end of the war most had rejected the government offer of being integrated in the beaurocracy, but not without playing an important public role and gaining some advantages such as collective bargaining. The war may have had a leveling effect in many ways, but it also sharpened some social differences and conflicts. Soldiers were revolting just like workers: They [soldiers] were no longer willing to sacrifice their lives when shirkers at home were earning all the money, tkaing, the women around in cars, cornering all the best jobs, and while so many profiteers were waxing rich. The draft was not completely fair since ot all men were sent to the trenches. Skilled workers were more important to industry and some could secure safe assignments at home. Unskilled young males and junior officers paid with their lives the most. The generation conflict was also widened by the war as Veterens' disillusionment fed off of anger towards the older generation for sending them to the trenches.. Governments took on

Monday, November 25, 2019

Th Symbolic Relationship between the Media and the Police The WritePass Journal

Th Symbolic Relationship between the Media and the Police Th Symbolic Relationship between the Media and the Police Introduction The following essay will examine the symbiotic relationship between the British police force and the British media. Over the years the relationship between the police and the media has progressed and as a result this essay will examine the following areas, the representation of both the police and the media including their symbiotic relationship. By examining the public perception of both parties the essay will highlight how public perception has changed over the years and the impact it has had as a consequence. Important areas to be defined would be the representations of the media and police within today’s society. Media can include numerous services which distribute information to provide the general public with an understanding of social values and changes within their communities and society as a whole. (Howitt, D.1998) The media has various outputs which include newspapers, television whether it be fact or fictional, radio and in addition the world-wide web. The primary aim of the media is to keep the public informed and influence the way that they accept and perceive changes within society. (Jewkes,Y. 2011) In Britain today we are absorbed by the portrayal of crime and deviance within our society. However, the attraction may leave an undesired effect on how lives are influenced by the media and alter perceptions of law enforcement and heighten the fear of crime. Stan Cohen coined the phrase ‘folk devils’ during the 1960s and 70s. He used the phrase to describe groups of individuals deemed to be a danger or nuisance to society. Misrepresentation by the media could conceivably create ‘moral panics’ within society due to the fact that individuals interpret information differently. Moral panics within society have been created by the media through labelling individuals and intensifying the specific societal issue. Through glamourizing crime it has been suggested that the media conveys information in an exaggerated and dramatized way. From a Marxist perspective the media would focus on individuals that threaten the power of the rich and the influential within societ y. (Jewkes,Y. 2011) Criminal behaviour is focused upon and portrayed as an act that would be committed from those from a middle class background. Therefore, the media are stereotyping who the public should perceive as a criminal. Post-modernists perceive the crime coverage by the media as no more than a spectacle display for the general public to witness and to be influenced by the media’s views. (Jewkes,Y. 2011:282) The police within today’s society have taken on the role of peace keeping through the act of discretion and by carrying out a negotiation process. Working proactively in conjunction with local communities the police are continuously trying to reinforce their presence and form associations with communities on an informal basis. By trying to build community policing within specific areas the police are helping to manage and educate individuals within those communities on crime and the impact it has on their local community. (Grieve,J. et al 2007) So what exactly do the police and the media do within our society as a whole? Britain’s media is theoretically existent to provide the general public with information that concerns their safety and wellbeing within society. The media may also assist individuals to make informed, knowledgeable decisions on issues that affect them directly or their local communities. The media is also responsible for providing the general public with crucial information regarding government legislation and the criminal justice system. What this endeavours to highlight is the fact that the involvement of the media is also used by the government to publicize the politician’s achievements on crime within communities to their advantage.   (Howitt, D. 1998) According to Jewkes 2011, society is no longer about class or social stature within our economy but what it does highlight are those individuals most vulnerable to media influences. It is not all about pluralism where it may be suggested that everyone’s thoughts or opinions are taken into consideration and equally represented once the information has been interpreted. These decisions are realized by individuals creating informed personal choices. The growth of the mass media and the sources readily available on the internet has made the availability of media coverage widely accessible to those from all varying social backgrounds.   (Jewkes,Y. 2011:24) Factual reporting of crime within society is often sensationalised and carefully selected by the media as to what they deem as newsworthy to aid the dramatization for the general public. The public’s interest on how crime is reported and the content of those reports influence what we both see and read in terms of media representation. Through displaying an interest in a particular area of crime the public feed this interest to the media who in return, focus on similar crimes.   (Howitt, D. 1998) Just how the media represent crime can be influential over public perceptions and their understanding of media news reports. By educating positively on the ideology of crime, and by having this knowledge, it could be used in a progressive way to assist and implement changes on how crime and punishment are dealt with within society. Media influences can go two ways, negatively or positively. Unfortunately in today’s society we have individuals who are easily influenced and take what the media says as true to its word. The misinterpretation of reports and the lack of knowledge and understanding can have a negative impact on what the individual thinks about crime and how they perceive the policing of criminals. According to Howitt 1998 ‘there is plenty of evidence that the media create dichotomies of good and evil. This applies to a range of criminal activities which, without media reinforcement, might not have resulted in such a negative response from the public.’ (Howitt, D. 1998) The media and the police have always been seen to have had an uneasy and complex relationship. According to Robert Reiner, ‘it captures the mutual dependence and reciprocal reinforcement that underlies a relationship frequently characterised by bickering and tension.’ (Cited in Newburn,T. 2003:259) Radical and liberal analyses have suggested that media representation creates unrealistic public fears by over reporting and exaggerating specific crimes. As a result of this reporting public support for policing and social laws are called into question by the general public. This can create unlawful forms of policing and vigilantism. (Reiner, R. 2003) The way in which the media portray the police can often affect the public’s perceptions on policing and how they manage law and order within society. The portrayal of policing by the media can challenge and contest the actions of the police. By challenging the police it is bringing their accountability into question. (Grieve. J, et al 2007:35) According to Jones Newburn 1998, policing is defined as ‘those organised forms of order-maintenance, peacekeeping, rule or law enforcement and other forms of investigation and information-brokering which may involve a conscious exercise of coercive power.’ (Cited in Grieve, J. et al 2007:20) We’ve seen on many occasions how media reports and investigative journalism have actually helped police in their work. These are occasions when the media can help to create encouraging images of policing today. (Grieve. J, et al 2007) For example, in the case of missing children media coverage is used to help encourage witnesses to come forward from the public. Scotland Yard was the first police department to establish a media press office in 1919. (Grieve. J, et al 2007) In 1970 commissioner Sir Robert Mark of New Scotland Yard introduced and ‘open door’ policy in regards to the media and the exchange of information. Marks main aim was to put an end to the corruption and publication of ‘exclusive’ crime stories. Mark believed that the public had a right to know what was going on in their communities. However, this has led to limited information being handed over by the police at their discretion and the media being fed information when and if seen as appropriate. (Chester, S. 2010) In the 1970s media relationships with the police were simpler than what they have developed into in today’s society. By building relationships with the local police departments media journalists would basically call their connection at the police department and ask for various information. Functioning in this way prevented the need to go through official channels to gather the information required. Front line police officers regarded the media at this time as interfering, suspicious and a public nuisance. In relation to media training for the police there was very little to advise officers as to how to respond or conduct themselves in the course of a press conference. (Trotter, A. 2010) Over the years there has been an increase in awareness and training for police officers on how to deal with media situations. There are strategies in place along with professional police media staff to take control and manage serious crimes or incidents. The relationship between the media and the police is far becoming more complex than ever before. Their symbiotic relationship is still essential to enable the public to be kept up to date with crime stories but, this is kept within limitation. By using the police department for crime stories to print the media are using the police to help sell newspapers, gain TV audiences and other accessible public news sources which highlights the mutual reliance they have for each other. Through providing the media with limited information the police department are still keeping the general public up to date with crimes in their areas and public safety. When there is a serious crime incident the police will monitor and limit the information the media are given to prevent damage to the investigation or those directly involved. The fact that this information has been given does not prevent the media from misrepresenting the facts. As citied by Yvonne Jewkes 2011:156 ‘the fact that the readers of popular newspapers (that is, those that report crime in a sensationalized and salient fashion) have the highest levels of fear of crime may simply reflect their actual risk of victimization.’ Many researchers suggest that a negative image of the police is portrayed by the use of fictional TV programmes. Through their portrayal the police are either made to look like crime fighting heroes or ineffective and incompetent. For the public to have a positive attitude towards the police they need to feel safe from the effectiveness of their crime fighting strategies and their implementation of punitive measures. (Surette, R. 1998) An incident which occurred in July 2010 was questioned by David Hayward the director of the BBC College of Journalism as to whether the police and the media used appropriate coverage in regards to the shooting of Raoul Moat in Northumberland. The incident began on the 3rd July 2010 when Raoul Moat who had recently been released from prison shot his girlfriend and killed her new boyfriend. He later shot and severely injured a local police officer. Moat avoided the police and went on the run for almost a week. He later shot himself after a long stand-off with police officers all of which was broadcast live by the media to TV audience’s. The media coverage on Raoul Moat was extensive and gained international media interest. As the incident progressed and the whereabouts of Moat became known, Moats final moments were covered by live media coverage. This has since led to many questions being raised in regards to the coverage of live incidents within communities and the behaviour of the media. An important area that was examined was the relationship between the media and the police and how it could be improved for future reference. What this highlights however, is the need for concise and the clearer exchange of important information to maintain public safety and knowledge in any given situation. It is also important to realise the consequences of media coverage and the affects it can have on public audiences and also family members witnessing these incidents first hand. (Hayward, D. 2010) The general public’s perception of the police and the media varies according to what they have read and seen from media coverage, whether it be a newspaper or on TV. Perception of both the police and the media may also be influenced by an individual’s social background within society. Different age groups have varying perceptions of what they believe the role of the police should be and how the media have influenced their overall perception of their fear of crime. According to a home office report written in 1998 young people aged between 14-25 years believe there is a distinct absence of communication and knowledge with the police which has led to a lack of respect. The socio-economic group aged between 25-40 years believe that the police have shown a lack of concern for their fears and also when it comes to a response to a specific incident. It has highlighted that older adults aged from the age of 40/45 have a respect and a favourable perception of the police as they feel that they do their best whenever possible although there is still room for improvement. (Bradley, R. 1998). The majority of research that has been carried out regarding the effects of the media is done so from a positive psychological perspective. This also brought to the forefront the continual debate regarding the causal relationship between the media representation and criminal behaviour. (Reiner, R. 2003) According to Jason Ditton 2005, when considering the perceptions of the public and their perceptions on crime there are three main dimensions to take into consideration. Firstly, the public’s belief in crime or specific kinds of crime committed. Secondly, the change in victim crime rates or the variation in the frequency of the crimes. Finally, have the public based their beliefs on local, regional, or a national crime rates and incidents? (Ditton, J. 2005) According to Jewkes, by creating false portrayals of crimes within society the media are choosing to manipulate public perceptions of crime. As a result this forms a basis for the implementation of labelling, prejudices and over-simplification of the true facts. (Jewkes,Y. 2011:155) The media are known to focus on certain types of crimes at certain periods in time, where society or the economy is in need of public support, the media increases the public’s interest which also delivers a financial gain for the media. (Jewkes,Y. 2011:59) After the Second World War the perception of the police force changed. A fictional TV portrayal of a British police force which typified the ‘Golden Age’ of police was aired and known as ‘Dixon of Dock Green.’ The community policeman reinforced the safety aspect within communities by portraying a community spirit by highlighting honesty and the fact that crime within society is punishable by law. Thus, allowing the audience to morally evaluate crime and the consequences involved. However, times change and so has individual’s perceptions. (Grieve. J, et al 2007) In conclusion it is fair to say that in today’s society the media plays an important role in relaying information and providing the general public with interpretations on crimes which our   society appear to want. Whether the public gather their information from factual or fictional aspects of the media there will always be limitations in regards to what is viewed or written. How the public interpret this information regardless of whether the media have shaped or had an influence on them will depend on the individual themselves. The more vulnerable they are, the more likely it is that the media will impact greatly on their perceptions within society. This can have an undesired effect on policing. How the public view the portrayal of crime and how the police are perceived to deal with crime issues may deem their effectiveness within their practice. The symbiotic relationship between the media and the police will continue as both need each other and depend on each other for information. Whether this information is then kept quiet or misrepresented is the issue for the media and the police to seriously think about. As both their actions in terms of public communication is having an impact on individuals whether rightly or wrongly. With increased technology developments and the freedom of information it has allowed the general public the access to information that was previously out of reach. In our society this now allows the main organisations such as the police force to be scrutinised by the public and calls into question the polices ability to control the news media. (Mawby, RC. 1999) However, further research would help determine whether the relationship between the police and the media plays an important part on individual’s views and attitudes towards crime within their society. References Grieve, J. Harfield, C. Macvean, A. 2007, Policing, Sage Publications Ltd, London Howitt, D. 1998. Crime the Media and the Law, John Wiley sons Ltd, Chichester Jewkes, Y. 2011.   Crime Media, Key approaches to criminology, 2nd edition, Sage Publications Ltd, London Mawby, R.C. 1999. Policing and Society, Visibility, transparency and police-media relations. Newburn, T. 2003. Handbook of Policing, Willan Publishing, Devon Surette, R. 1998. Media Crime Criminal Justice, Images and Realities, 2nd edition, Wadsworth Trotter, A. Media relations a new era, Policing Today, March 2010, 16(1), pp.37-39 Chester, S. (2010). The news of the world special police relationship. Available online: Last accessed 28th Feb 2011 Hayward, D. (2010). Was Raoul moats death a public execution was the media proportionate. Available online: Last accessed 24th Feb 2011 Reiner, R.   (2002). The representation of crime in the mass media. Media made criminality Available online: Last accessed March 8th 2011 Bradley, R. (1998). Public expectations and perceptions of Policing Available online: Last accessed March 2nd 2011

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Country study (China) Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Country study (China) - Term Paper Example The rate of the population is faster in undeveloped countryside areas, where it is very hard to find work (Zeng, 2008). However, there is a decline in the population growth, which is realized with a reduced birth rate. This growth is considered to be below replacement level; hence, the current population growth is expected to increase life; expectance. Chinese person now lives an average of 74 years. Life expectance has reduced drastically with measures that are being taken by the federal government. There are several population control programs which have resulted in reduced families. These programs advocate for one-child households, and many Chinese citizens are adapting to this norm. Creation of an enormous hole in the social safety system of China is expected as a result of fewer male children being born. On the other hand, the Chinese population is slowly embracing the one-child policy to try and reduce the population growth. This policy is expected to save the government millio ns of dollars and thus improve the economy of the country. Measures to restrict couples from having many children are increasingly developing; for instance, education is increasingly becoming expensive. According to Zeng (2008), there are also increasingly expensive healthcare and poorly placed social security systems. It is of note for any organization to research the culture, value, religion, manner, and language used by the members of the community where they wish to start a new branch of business. However, it is essential to note that the findings are not meant to stereotype all the Chinese, but instead they are meant to help the company gain an impression of whom they are trading with. The population of Chinese is estimated to be over 1.2 billion people. These people belong to a family of mutually intelligible and close-related languages. Sino-Tibetan family of languages includes all the varieties of Chinese. However, these languages have their own dialect or sub-dialects. In a ddition, the languages are more or less mutually intelligible (Mente, 2008). For Victoria State Bank to function smoothly in China, they will have to understand the language used and make sure that their employees are fluent in these languages so as to serve the Chinese community well. In addition, if there is any written material, it should be ready for use in both English as well as Chinese, and the interpretation must be correct to avoid any misinterpretation. Before venturing into the banking industry in China, Victoria State Bank management should note that the Chinese have a culture through which they do not start business with organizations that they do not know. What the bank needs to do is look for an organization or an individual in China who will act as an intermediary. This will make the Chinese people gain your trust as this individual or organization will make sure that the Chinese community understands the reliability of the bank. After the Chinese have clearly known the intentions of the bank and its history, they will now be willing to work with the bank. According to Hofstede’s dimension, all individuals in the society are not equal. The idea of power distance is something that has been practiced in China for decades, and everyone has come to embrace that culture (Hofstede, 2012). The Chinese believe that inequality among the people is justifiable. Therefore, when conducting

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Mary Barnett case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Mary Barnett case - Essay Example While analyzing the testimony of Caroline Hospers, it may consider that Mary Barnett was a frequent drinker and she was not a fit mother. It is also identified that Barnett lives without a husband and she had wild parties in her apartment. However, Hospers’ testimony that Barnett had gone to California ‘just to party and have a good time’ is her speculation only (Chaffee, â€Å"thinking critically†). This statement clearly indicates that Hospers’ is not in good touch with Barnett, and therefore her testimony might be biased. Therefore, Hospers’ claim that ‘the baby was not taken care of properly’ might also be a speculation. From the policeman’s testimony, it is pretty clear that Barnett was absolutely conscious of what she was going to do. She admitted to the policeman that she was aware of the fact that she was leaving her baby unattended in the apartment and she would not be coming back soon She also said that she had to get to California at all costs. Hence, it can be assumed that getting to California immediately was the first priority of Barnett and she decided to leave her baby in the apartment for a while. Although Barnett had visited her mother before she left the city, she did not try to ensure that her mother would look after little Alison. In the professional view of Dr. Parker, Barnett is competent to stand trial because her current depression and anxiety problems were induced by the guilt she feels for what she did. Dr. Parker undoubtedly states that Barnett ‘was mentally competent on January 23, when she left her child unattended’. There is no need to suspect the testimony of Dr. Parker because he is an experienced professional psychiatrist who has been involved in many judicial hearings to comment on the mental competency of the defendant. Alice Jones’ testimony reflects that Barnett had been suffering from many life difficulties since the birth of Alison. She adds that Barnett had increasingly depended on

Monday, November 18, 2019

Just search in internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Just search in internet - Essay Example His ideas are highly imaginative and call for a deep insight on the issues that are prevalent in the society due to negligence on the impacts of our actions that others face. His ideas are, hence, not for the good of an individual but for the society as a whole. His views incorporate the broader picture of the society by focusing on individualistic actions and reactions. He emphasizes on the concept of ethics in the society and moral justifications for every aspect of life and activities involved. This paper critically analyzes the concepts of Aristotle’s civic relationships in accordance with the contemporary ethical values as proposed and implemented by the practitioners in various fields. Civic relationships are constituted on a number of elements as proposed by Aristotle. The concept of civic virtue is one of the most important concepts in this regard. Civic virtue refers to promoting habits and activities of individuals which take the community’s good in view. Acco rding to Aristotle, civic virtue is related to the concept of morality and gives rise to the righteous behavior for citizen’s contribution in the society and community matters. ... He believes that virtuous behaviors and the concept of virtues in the civic relationship context may be taught. Civic virtue opens a wide area of understanding the role of individuals in the society and their duties in relation to it. The concept of friendship, according to Aristotle is not linked with earning profits or gaining advantages but it is the relationship between the people who work in the best favor of the other. This way, the relationships between people are built stronger promoting the sense of trust and understanding. Friendship is based on the notion that each individual works and acts in way to benefit the other without any personal interest except for advantaging the friend. Aristotle clarifies that friendship is not a relationship which can be developed with every other part of the social institutions. Rather, he defines this relationship to be limited to a number of people who have the feelings of benefiting each other without any consent of acquiring some advanta ge from the other at present or future. The perfect friendship, according to him, is the one which binds the individuals in mutual tasks, activities and spending more time together. Not every person, according to this explanation, falls in the category of friend as it is impossible to some extent to spend time with every other person in a way explained by Aristotle. The notion to benefit others by one’s action is also controversial as people in the complex society today have their personal interests and benefits that seek and believe to attain using or involving with others. Such relationships are called as ‘imperfect friendships’ which lack pleasure, mutual understanding and trust in each other. Aristotle defines happiness as an

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Nestle Is The Worlds Largest Food Processing Company Marketing Essay

Nestle Is The Worlds Largest Food Processing Company Marketing Essay 1.0 INTRODUCTION The strategic management process is based on the belief that organization should continuously monitor internal and external events and trends so that timely change can be made as needed. An organization must be capable of wisely identifying and adapting to change. In this report, I will choose Nestlà © S.A, one of the most successful food processing company in the world to discuss its strategy management process. 2.0 COMPANY PROFILE Nestlà © S.A. is the worlds largest food processing company and is headquartered in Vevey, Switzerland. The company was founded by Henri Nestlà © in 1866. Nestlà © Company had made several name changes from 1866 to 1947, and finally adopted Nestlà © S.A. in 1977 as the companys name. Nestle S.A. has factories or office in almost every region of the world and markets a wide range of brands. The company is often described as the most multinational of the multinationals. in the current food industry market. Henri Nestlà ©, also know as of the main originator of condensed milk. In 1867, he developed the first milk food for infants and a baby who could not be breast-fed was rescued. Nestlà ©s invention responded to the need for a nutritionally safe alternative to breast milk. Thus, Nestlà © S.A has targeted to build a business based on sound human values and thoughts. The key to success of the company is due to its huge Research and Development network within the food processing industry. With RD as the competitive advantage, Nestlà © has become the worlds leading nutrition, health, and wellness company. The company is devoted in continuing to improve the nutritional value of their products while enhancing the flavour. Nestlà © achieves this through its brands and with initiatives like the Nutritional Compass and 60/40+. Millions of people choose to consume Nestlà © products everyday because the company sustain the quality as the fundamental ingredient in all of its brands. Consumers choose to place their trust in Nestlà © due to the companys dedication to achieve distinction and turn to Nestlà © brands to preserve nutritional balance in todays fast paced world. Switzerland-based Nestlà © S.A. has the highest ranking as the largest player throughout the entire world in the competitive position within the food industry. The rating reflects the companys competitiveness and market attractiveness. With combined sales of 110 billion (Swiss Franc) in 2008, Nestlà © states a diversified business portfolio, being the market leader in numerous product categories worldwide including bottled water, instant coffee, milk and cheese products, nutrition and baby food, ice cream, frozen foods, culinary preparations, and coco products. Nestlà ©s broad geographic coverage includes North America and Europe as well as Asian markets. The vision of Nestlà © RD is long term, it helps shape the future of foods making consumer needs into research priorities and convert new technologies into consumer benefits, and services. 3.0 STRATEGY ANALYSIS 3.1 Environmental Scanning Environmental scanning has the management scan internal environment and external environment. The factor which are the predominant factor for an organization factor is SWOT standing for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. 3.1.1 SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method developed by Albert Humphrey using data from Fortune 500 companies in the 1960s and 1970s. Internal Environment Strengths Strengths include anything a company does well and its resources and capabilities for developing a competitive advantage. The greatest strength of Nestlà © is culture that is team focused and an open door policy. Nestlà © focuses on collectivism and performance orientation attitude which encourages employees to work harder. Nestlà © achieves broader range of products by improving existing and innovating new products. Consumer demands are switched to changes of taste, colours and design that have been undertaken to products such as Nestlà ©s Smarties and Kit Kats.  The launch of Kit Kat Chunky has proven that creativity and innovation can extend the life cycle of a product. Weaknesses The lack of certain strengths and things a company does not do well are viewed as weaknesses. Nestlà © is poor in targeting some of its products. Nestlà © MilkPak is a premium product targeted to upper middle and high class consumers. Most consumers in Pakistan are from lower middle and poor class. They are not afford to purchase it due to the premium price. Nestlà © has a complex supply chain configuration too and traceability is a critical issue for Nestlà © India. High standards of hygiene, quality of edible inputs and workforce are required in the food industry. Fragmented nature of the Indian market will cause more problems. External Environment Opportunities The external environmental analysis a firms new opportunities for profit and growth. Nestlà © in Pakistan has a great opportunity for expanding its milk products because Pakistan is the seventh major milk producer in the world with annual output more than 22 billion litres. Threats Adjustments in the external environment present threats to a firm. For an example, shifts in consumers preferences. The major threats to Nestlà ©s products is Unilevers Walls, a famous ice-cream brand. It is distributed nationwide and has total control within the local market. Besides, economic slowdown can reduce demand, and inflation is getting higher and higher causing the purchasing power of consumers is decreasing day by day. General Environment PEST Analysis Pest Analysis is used to illustrate a structure for the analysis of macro-environmental factors. Political Political factors include a country or governments regulations and legal issues and rules which a firm must follow. For example, Nestlà ©s famous brand Milo. The product stay within the law in all countries including being aware of legislation health and safety, commercial standards, consumer protection and trade description. Economical Economic factors such like economic growth, exchange rate and inflation rate will influence potential customers purchasing power and the firms cash flow. During recession, customers have less disposable income, demand for Milo might drop in the market. Social Social factors comprise the cultural aspects and demographic of the external macro-environment. These factors influence customer needs and potential markets size. The society are more aware of health conscious nowadays, Nestlà © can build up Milo as a new fashionable drink like 100 plus in the fitness industry. Technological Technological factors can reduce barriers to entry, improve products quality and influence outsourcing decisions. Advance in science allows Nestlà © to improve its product such as Milo, the company can add energy and healthier formula to Milo. 3.2 Porters Five Forces Analysis Michael E. Porter developed Porters five forces in 1979. It is a framework that helps marketer to differentiate a competitive environment. Threat of substitute products An analysis of the threat of substitute products will identify the consumers of a company might switch their purchasing alternative. There is a tendency for food and beverages manufacturers to produce broad range of products. These products may compete with one another to gain market share and become substitute for each other. Nestlà © Koko Krunch Cereal can be the substitute for Nestlà © Nesvita cereal drink since both of them are intended for breakfast consumption. Nestlà © is not offering all kinds of food and beverages, those unoffered kinds may act as the substitutes for the Nestlà ©s products. For example, Nestlà © has coffee in its product lines which is Nescafà ©, the substitute for it can be the soft drinks which are not in the portfolio of Nestlà ©. In this case the substitutes are very broad. Bargaining power of suppliers An analysis of the bargaining power of suppliers  will identify the changing price, quality and service of suppliers without consequence. Supplier power can be different due to seasonal or economic cycles. Supplier power is increasing as many of the food processing companies are not producing their own raw materials. Nestlà © itself gets material in the form of raw or semi-processed directly from farmers and trade channels. By considering the number of suppliers in the industry and the switching cost, the dependency to a particular supplier can be reduced. Nestlà © has operations in many countries throughout the world, if one supplier unable to offer good price for Nestlà ©, it can switch to other suppliers. The bargaining power of supplier depends heavily on the strength of the companys brand. Big companies such as Nestlà © can take advantage in bargaining. Bargaining power of buyers Food processing industry is very broad and rivals can come out with numerous product selections. When the companies step into the maturity stage, they will have even more products provided to strengthen the companys brand. Nestlà © Milo has strong market share and remains a constant favourite amongst Malaysia consumers. In order to further strengthening the brands image, the company added Milo Gold to its product range to keep the consumers loyalty towards the product. Threats of new entrants An analysis of the threat of new entrants will identify entry barriers within an industry. Industries with high barriers to entry will face low risk from new competitors than an industries with low barriers to entry. The competition of ice cream business in Pakistan is very small. This could create chances for other international ice cream brand to penetrate their products to compete with Nestlà © in Pakistan. The major substitutes of Nestlà ©s ice cream would be Walls ice cream and Hico ice cream. Competitive rivalry within an industry Rivalry among competing firms is the utmost of the five competitive forces. Firms within the same industry are competing with one another to gain customer share to increase profitability. The competitors are of roughly equal size which can make the competition even stiffer. They will attempt to gain dominance over another. Nestlà © and General Mills have joint ventured for breakfast cereal market. By having such joint venture these two companies can achieve better success instead of competing with each other. 3.3 Value Chain Analysis Value chain analysis is a development for understanding the general factors and conditions under which a value chain and its firms can achieve higher levels of performance. Manufacturing and the environmental footprint Nestlà © has a great commitment to the environment. They put in great efforts to protect the access of water and ensure everyones responsibilities as water users. Nestlà © moves to different fuel types to produce their products to improve the environmental performance. One of the significant steps in the  value chain is transport. Nestlà © initiated an experiment with  Schenker, to  evaluate the effect  of  different types of  transport, distances  driven and fuel type used to create a better environment. Nestlà ©s employees The company determined by skilled and motivated workforce for continued success. Nestlà © includes many nationalities, religions, and ethnic groups working together in one single unifying corporate culture. Farmers and Agriculture Nestlà © always assist farmers to be successful suppliers. This great effort is helping the entire region to develop a positive long-term impact to boost economic performance. Nestlà © share good environmental and water management practices with farmers by carrying out agricultural programs. Nestlà © insist code of ethics to maintain good and long-term relationship with their suppliers. Products and consumers Nestlà © strengthens its brands and customers loyalty to respond to consumers changing preferences. Nestlà © preserves the nutritious in its products while enhancing the flavour and improve the quality of their products. According to Julio Frenk, former Secretary of Health Mexico, from his experience in Mexico, he believes that Nestlà © is delivering genuine shared value through its products in the society. 3.4 Benchmarking A company should has its benchmark to improve quality of its products. In June 4, 2009, Nestlà © started make use of ASSET4 to benchmark its environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. ASSET4 is the top supplier of idea, comparable, and auditable extra-financial information. According to Nestlà ©s head of Investor Relations, Roddy Child-Villiers said that Nestlà © is committed to improve its ESG performance via Creating Shared Value, which build continuous business triumph and the establishment of shareholder value to the creation of value for society at large. 4.0 STRATEGY FORMULATION Strategy formulation is the second stage in the strategic management process. In the aspect of corporate strategy, the current objectives and strategies of Nestlà © will be discussed as well as suggestions given on how Nestlà © to be more successful in the food processing industry. For example, what amendments should be made to achieve the development objectives and strategies of Nestlà ©, the lines of business that Nestlà © is in now, and how these lines of business fit mutually. There are three main components fall under corporate strategy. These components include directional strategy, portfolio analysis and parenting strategy. 4.1 Directional strategy Directional strategy refers to a firms overall orientation towards growth, stability and retrenchment. 4.1.1 Growth strategy Growth strategy has two fundamental categories, concentration within existing industries and diversification into other lines of business or industries. In this report, I will choose to discuss the concentration strategy of Nestlà ©. Concentration strategy can be achieved via merger and acquisition (MA). MA have emerged and are widely used in many industries today. Nestlà © has been using these form of strategic alliances to link technology gaps and resources, to recruit expertise and obtain market positions. MA are essential and potentially useful for a company that wishes to enter a new industry and new markets. Merger Merger is defined as the combination of companies. In 1905, Nestlà © S.A was formed by the merger called the Nestlà © and Anglo-Swiss Milk Company. Nestlà © stepped outside the food industry for the first time and diversify its business in the cosmetic industry. In 1974, Nestlà © became a major shareholder in LOrà ©al, one of the worlds leading makers of cosmetics. Acquisition Acquisition is the act of purchase or takeover of a company that is completely absorbed by the subsidiary or division of the acquiring corporation. Since 1985, Nestlà © has made over 50 acquisitions. Nestlà ©s growth strategy began with acquisitions to diversify its product offering. In the early 1990s, it used acquisitions to expand geographically. More recently, Nestlà © has focused its acquisitions on growing a select number of very attractive businesses in markets where it can achieve leadership positions. For example, Nestlà © has acquired Frozen Food in 2010. The factors of the acquisition are due to Frozen Foods number one position in United Stated and Canada as well as strong growth profile in North America by proving fast recovery in times of economic downturn. Meanwhile, concentration strategy includes two strategies which are vertical growth and horizontal growth. I will choose horizontal growth of Nestlà ©s for further discussion. Horizontal growth refers to the expansion of operations into other geographic locations and enlarging the variety of products and services offered to current markets. Horizontal growth can be achieved via joint venture. As an example, in 2001, Coca-Cola Company and Nestlà © S.A. continue their existing joint venture business, Coca-Cola and Nestlà © Refreshments. This co-operation will be renamed Beverage Partners Worldwide (BPW) to emerge their beverage segments, especially ready-to-drink tea. 4.1.2 Portfolio Analysis Portfolio analysis is basically a product portfolio in which a company rank their products and where their products are stands in the market. There are two popular portfolio analysis techniques that will be used to analyse Nestlà ©s portfolio. There techniques include BCG Matrix (Boston Contingency Group) and GE Business Screen. For this report, BCG Matrix is selected to explain the current standing of Nestlà ©s brand in India. BCG Matrix In 1960, Bruce Henderson, president of the Boston Consulting Group design BCG Matrix to develop business strategy. There are four categories of product position which are stars, cash cows, dogs, and question marks. Stars When an industry is growing and the share of a firm is high as well, then the firm is the leader in business. Nestlà ©s Nescafà © is one of the leading coffee brands in the Indian market. It has the strong position in the market which is incomparable by other brand within the country. Nescafà © has high market share in the industry as well as the growth rate is significantly high. In addition, the name of Nescafà © has become generic with coffee. Cash Cows When the industry growth is low but the firm has high market share, then the firms products are considered Cash Cows. Nestlà ©s Maggie Noodles has more households of consumption in India and has become the first preference of Indian children in terms of instant food, yet it is still considered as Cash Cows, not a star. It has a significantly high market growth rate in the Noodles market in India, but the market growth rate of Noodle consumption is not very high. Question marks Question marks refer to products with the potential to penetrate into the market and succeed but will require a lot of cash for development. Maggie Pickles has limited variety especially in this taste crazy country, India. Maggie Pickles is doubted for two main reasons. The first reason price and packing of the product is high, which seems to target customer from upper class. The second reason is it lack of significant number of alternative, therefore it is a challenge to maintain itself in the market. Thus, it is suggested that Maggie Pickles to review its packaging and price so every citizen in India can afford to purchase the product. Dogs If the industry growth is low and a firms share is instability or low, then the products of the firm is considered dog. Nestlà ©s Dahi is considered Dog because people in India was unaware that Nestlà © offers a Dahi. The product is facing competition from Amuls Masti Dahi. The concept of Dahis packaging is not favourable by the consumer who prefer to play it safe with the local manufacturer. Nestlà © Dahi is placed in as a Dog due to lack of growing market. It is recommended that Nestlà © has to think on what it can do to make everyone in India recognize Nestlà © Dahi. 4.1.3 Corporate Parenting Strategy Corporate parenting strategy is developed to examine each business unit in terms of its strategic factors, areas in which performance can be improved, and analyze how well the parent company fits with the business unit. Horizontal strategy To expand a business to another geographic location, extra cost such as import duties, logistics and other packaging requirements will weigh down a products launch in the targeted region. Hence building an overseas plant or subcontract the manufacture of the product to a licensed local manufacturer. Nestlà ©s has many manufacturer in almost every country in the world to manufacture its products. This strategy has helped Nestlà © to cut down the extra costs as I have mentioned above. Multipoint competition Multipoint competition refers to a multinational organization compete against other multinational organizations in a number of markets. Nestlà © competes in a wide range of geographic areas in addition of broad range of product categories. Therefore it faces competition from multinational companies such as Unilever and Philip Morris with similar product lines that cross regional bounds. Since Nestlà © is facing this type of competition, it is suggested that Nestlà © must compete briskly across its worldwide customer base. 5.0 STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION Strategy implementation is the third stage in strategy management. In order to carry out the formulated strategies, Nestlà © needs to establish annual objectives, planning policies, motivation employees and allocate resources. This stage is also known as the action stage of strategic management and it is often considered to be the most complicated stage. It needs the collaboration from all the employees at all levels in Nestlà © in terms of personal discipline, commitment, and sacrifice. In this stage, I will discuss several issues that will affect to Nestlà © during the process of strategy is being implemented. 5.1 Management Issues Management changes are essentially more extensive when strategies to be implemented move a firm in a major new direction. I will select several factors from the management issue to discuss how are they going to affect Nestlà ©s organizational performance. Annual Objectives Annual objectives are especially important in strategy implementation, whereas long-term objectives are particularly important in strategy formulation. Annual objectives represent the basis for allocating resources. Resources Nestlà © need at least four types of resources in order to achieve desired objectives. Financial resources. One of the major strengths of Nestlà © is its RD which contribute a lot in supporting the companys strategy implementation. In 2006, Nestlà © invested CHF 1.73 billion in RD and over CHF 1.5 billion in Venture Capital. Thus, the company needs sufficient financial resources in order to continue its RD. Physical resources. Nestlà © has a committed sales force which is the major resource strength in terms of physical resources. It is very important as part of the companys success particularly after the strategy is implemented, and the employees able to develop markets and sell its products. Human resources. Human resources is one the significant concern while implementing strategy because it is the backbone of any organization. The fact that Nestlà © is more people and product than system oriented reflected in the way HR is functioning and is organized. Technological resources. RD at Nestlà © is an international group of science and technology centres of excellence. Its RD has a long tradition of building its own machines based on extensive in-house engineering experience. Proprietary technological claims in all products categories assist Nestlà © to maintain and improve its position as market leader. Rewards and Incentives The Real Rewards in Nestlà © USAs investment in you is a comprehensive package for waged employees. Compensation is a key part reward of Nestlà © USAs Real Rewards package to help to attract, motivate, and retain a workforce of top performance. There are three types of compensation of the Real Rewards package. Base Pay. Based Salaries are designed to be competitive which based on data specific to different position as measure in marketplace. High performance over time is recognized by base pay that is higher than the market. Short-Term Incentives. Short-Term Incentives Pay is designed to reward employees (typically yearly) for their accomplishments and contribution to Nestlà © USAs success. Long-Term Incentives. Nestlà © USAs Long-Term Incentives Plan are designed to motivate and reward those in eligible leadership position for the companys sustained success for a longer period, often three years or more. Human Resources Nestlà © Human Resources Policy encompasses those guidelines which represent a sound basis for effective and efficient HR management in the Nestlà © Group around the world. Learning is part of the company culture in Nestlà ©. Employees at all levels is conscious of the need to upgrade constantly his or her skills and knowledge to achieve personal and organizational goal. 5.2 Marketing Issues Marketing variables can determine the success and failure of strategy implementation. Market Segmentation Marketing segmentation is the process in marketing of grouping a market to identify different groups of customers with different needs or responses to marketing activity. Consumer can be segmented on the following characteristics. I will use Nestlà © Juices to discuss how Nestlà ©s marketing team is going to target the market segmentation. Geographic Segmentation, Region. People would prefer to drink juices during the hot weather or summer season. The marketing team can segment the market on the basis of high temperature zones. To boost the demand of its juices products, they can focus more in the region where the consumption remains almost the same all the year around. Demographic Segmentation, Gender. Women will be the best targeted customers as they usually shop for their family. When they are convinced that the juices will be good for the health for their family, they will eventually purchase. Psychographic Segmentation, Life style. People belonging to luxury life style tend to spend more on luxuries as compared to people in the lower class. In strategy implementation, market segmentation is an important variable. It allows Nestlà © to operate with limited resources due to unnecessary of mass production, mass advertising and mass distribution. The market segmentation decision directly affect the marketing mix variables. Marketing Mix Product strategy. Nestlà © juices main competitive advantage is its quality leadership. The company aim provide the original and best quality to their customers and fulfill their need. Place strategy. In Pakistan, Nestlà © established the distribution channels for its juices products in famous cities such as Karachi, Lahore and Gujranwala. Then they acquired maximum two to three suitable distributors in these cities to hinder from their own competition. Promotion strategy. The marketing team of Nestlà © use various sources to promote their target marketing. Sources used such like TV, Newspaper and Billboard to advertise their products. When Nestlà © launches new juice, the marketing team will use the promotion strategy that are mentioned to spread the awareness of their brand. Price Strategy. Nestlà © juices are available six flavored and two size. The packing of 200ml size is targeted for individual customer while 100ml packing is targeted for whole family. They charge price premium since they provided high quality and 100% clear juices other than competing low cost with their competitors. Nestlà © juices contain maximum profit margin compared to their rivals. Product Positioning After segmenting markets, Nestlà © can target particular customer groups, the next step is to find out what customers wants and needs. In 2009, Nestlà © launched two fortified juice drinks for children, Juicy Juice Brain Development and Juicy Juice Immunity. Customer wants. Children are targeted easily targeted for these two juice drinks because they can choose three flavours that are available including apple, berry and grape flavours in these two juice drinks. Customer needs. Parents are very concerned with their kids development. Therefore, these two juice drinks are specifically targeting brain and immune development in under five age group. 5.3 Research Development Issues RD is an investigative activities that a business choose to conduct with the purpose of discovering new products and to improve the existing products. Nestlà © is the global leader in the food processing industry with regard to RD. The RD expert team in Nestlà © have provided best practices and help in the companys implementation. For example, the RD structure offers the flexibility to use the huge sources of local ideas, bring them back and develop them for the global implementation. The major advantages of Nestlà © RD include: The company attract the best scientist and engineers from top-level universities who want to work and partner with them. To build plants, expand, grow, and market products and services more efficiently. 6.0 CONCLUSION In a nutshell, it is not easy to maintain the position as the world leader in food processing industry like Nestlà ©. A company must be able cope with any unexpected changes in order to survive and compete in the world of business. (Word Counts: 4435 words)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Symbolism in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Essay -- Papers Harpe

Symbolism in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee The mockingbird is a major symbol in the book, To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee. Harper Lee chose the mockingbird for both the title of her book and as a symbol in her book. I believe she selected it because the mockingbird is a creature that is loved by all for its singing and mocking, for which it gets its name, and how it never intends to harm anything or anybody. Atticus Finch says to Jem, but remember it?s a sin to kill a mockingbird.? Whereupon Miss Maudie explains, ?Your father?s right, mockingbirds don?t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don?t? eat up people?s gardens, don?t nest in corncribs, they don?t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That?s why it?s a sin to kill mockingbirds.? In the book, the mockingbird symbolizes Arthur ?Boo? Radley in the novel. Both Boo and the mockingbird do no harm and are never anything but pleasant to others. Boo left gifts for Jem and Scout in the tree, such as gum, two indian head pennies, two carved soap figurines, and a pocketwatch. He also mended J...